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RISci Lunch & Learn: Workshop Warm Up: Energize the Audience for Increased Engagement

RISci Lunch & Learn: Workshop Warm Up: Energize the Audience for Increased Engagement Online

Learn techniques for using the time before a session to warm up the participants in any workshop, class, or public event. A warm up can start your audience thinking about the topic, help you determine what they want from your session, and develop a personal connection which can turn a good session into a great one. Discover ways to use the time prior to the official start to warm up your attendees, and hear why anyone can do an effective warm up. Also hear about numerous free online tools that can help identify who is in your audience, what they expect, and what questions they are bringing.

Victor Baeza from Oklahoma State University reprises this presentation from ALA's LibLearnX. Victor's tips and tricks are applicable to all library settings in which a public event is being hosted and can be applied to audiences of all ages.

RISci is the Reference & Instruction Services community of interest of the Arkansas Library Association. We are open to all library workers who answer questions or teach their patrons any little thing.


Friday, July 22, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm
  RISci - Reference & Instruction Services community of interest  
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Shawna Thorup
Shawna Thorup